The Halting Problem: Free Fiction for Fyretober, October 3, 2023
“Mr. Hudson.” I sank down in my auditorium seat and tried to hide behind the tall blonde hair of the woman in front of me. I should’ve remembered her name, I’d seen her before, but it just eluded me.
And hiding didn’t help. Professor Moorehead looked right past her. “Mr. Hudson, you will now come to the board and present the proof of the Halting Problem.”
I looked down at my lap. At least I was wearing pants this time. But my feet… They were taloned lizard feet. I knew better than to try to figure that out. It just was.
As always, there was nothing to do but to play it out. I got up from my chair and squeezed myself around the knees of the other students toward the aisle. At least all of them had lizard feet, too. I wouldn’t stand out.
The Slush is Alive: Free Fiction for Fyretober, October 2, 2023
The slush is alive.
Maybe you don’t know. Maybe you don’t have the writer disease. Maybe you’re not a writer or an editor like me. Maybe you’ve never met the slush pile: that massive pile of manuscripts submitted for your consideration. Once, long ago, it was a pile of physical manuscripts, paper tossed over the transom and into an office to make a giant pile in front of the door. Like slush fallen off a roof. Maybe you don’t know what the modern equivalent is, the giant electronic submission queue that just sits there. And waits. And stares at you until you feel guilty for not processing every manuscript. Like the stories have eyes…
New Neighbors: Free Fiction for Fyretober, Day 1
Blackheart Hal stood nearly knee-deep in the ocean bottom and stared up through the depths. “Storming up there. It’s going to take one down.”
Blake looked up as well. It was impossible for normal eyes to see through that much water even in daylight, but their type were hardly normal. Still… “I don’t see it. How to can you tell?”
Hal looked down to the ocean floor and pointed to the north. “Pete always knows, and he’s coming as fast as he can cut through the muck.”
Help Me Choose My Next Tie!

Now that contracts have been signed, I’m honored to announce that Analog Science Fiction and Fact will be publishing my story “Uncle Roy’s Computer Repair and Used Robot Parts”!
How I Got Published and What I Learned Along the Way

Twenty published authors share tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement for other writers. They talk about working through the rough times, making their first sales, and finding success in the publishing industry. Whether you’re traditional, indie, or hybrid; a… Read More
Avatar Dreams

Science Fiction Visions of Avatar Technology The development of “Avatar” technology—the fusion of human awareness consciousness with remote robotic bodies—offers breathtaking advances in medicine, culture, work, transportation, education and imagination. The Avatar project is designed to drive the… Read More
Cursed Collectibles

Spend an afternoon antiquing and it’s not hard to figure out why picking has become one of America’s fondest pastimes. It’s treasure hunting while connecting with history. But what if those treasures hunt us back? From old books,… Read More
Final Frontier

A Sci-fi Celebration of the Indomitable Spirit That Carried Humanity to the Moon Paperback Strap yourself in for the adventure of our generation! 50 years after the moon landings, the commercialization of space travel is finally here, but do… Read More
Humanity 2.0

What will it mean to be human in the future? How will we evolve in order to reach the stars? Fifteen short stories collected in this book examine how interstellar flight might change humanity itself. Will we choose… Read More
The Jim Baen Memorial Award: The First Decade

A DECADE OF SCIENCE FICTION EXCELLENCE Since 2007, Baen Books and The National Space Society have sponsored The Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award, to honor the legacy of Jim Baen and to promote the ideals of forward-thinking,… Read More